Maps & Directions |

Getting To The Community Church of Chapel Hill:
From I-40 heading west to Chapel Hill:
- The Community Church, 106 Purefoy Rd., Chapel Hill NC
- From I-40 take Exit 273B onto 54 West which crosses under 15-501 South and head south to
Mason Farm rd.
- Or take I-40 Exit 270 onto 15-501 South.
- Turn right onto Mason Farm Road, then left onto Purefoy.
From the south:
- It is easily approached from S. Columbia st. (Hwy 86)
- Turn right into Purefoy rd.
- The church is at the end of Purefoy rd. at T-junction with Mason Farm rd.
From I-40 heading east to Burlington:
- Take Hwy 54 bypass to S. Columbia (Hwy 86) and head north.
- Turn right into Purefoy rd.
- The church is at the end of Purefoy rd. at T-junction with Mason Farm rd.
From I-40 heading east to Chapel Hill past Burlington:
- Take Hwy 86 south (Airport rd.)
- Proceed south (approx. 4 miles) to a t-junction (just at UNC) and turn right into
Cameron rd.
- Take the next left turn into Pittsboro rd.
- Pittsboro will merge into S. Columbia
- From S. Columbia turn left into Mason Farm rd.
- Turn right at Purefoy rd.
- The Community Church car park will be on the 1st right

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