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Prez Sez

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            I would like to welcome the new members to the Society and hope that we meet your expectations. We are very fortunate to have Joe Ikner as our new Program Director. Joey teaches guitar at Campbell University, is an excellent player and will do a great job on our Board of Directors.

            This season’s program has shaped up nicely and we decided to continue with our Sunday afternoon concerts that have been so successful. An interesting note: I was told recently that Vladimir Horowitz, the pianist, only played on Sunday afternoons.

Jason Vieaux will be playing in concert on November 4th. Jason has a new recording of the complete Ponce Sonatas that is long overdue. These Sonatas are quite substantial and everything about the recording is outstanding. We just got a glimpse of the program he will be performing and I promise that you will be pleased. By the way, Jason is the youngest person ever to win the prestigious Guitar Foundation of America International Competition back in ‘92. We also look forward to having Martha Masters perform in April and there will be more about her in the next newsletter.

Please mark your calendars for this year’s Holiday Party on December 16th from 4 to 8pm. It will be a potluck supper with performances and a brief meeting. We welcome people to bring their instruments and play or just come and have a good time. Last year’s party was a big success. This party will be held in Durham at our home (3201 Annandale Road).

I wish to encourage those who haven’t done so already to renew their memberships. Also, I encourage all members to be as active in the Society as possible. We welcome new ideas and we would benefit from your help!  Please call me or one of the Board members at any time to talk about ways that you can become more involved.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the concert on November 4th.

 Frank Stallings

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