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Jose Ramirez Concert Guitar

Blackshear Guitars


Sophocles Papas: The Guitar, His Life by Elisabeth Papas Smith

SophoclesPapas_1_4.gif (26943 bytes)One of our Triangle Guitar Society members, Elisabeth Papas Smith, has written and published a book about the life and times of Sophocles Papas, her father, the respected proponent and teacher of the guitar. Papas is well known to be the first to teach the classical guitar in the style of Segovia in the U.S. and had extensive contact and correspondence with the master. The book is rich with anecdotes and information about Papas and his connections, students and life as it developed and grew along with the gradual re-establishment of the classical guitar as a serious performance medium this century. The author’s mater of fact writing style laced with wry humor leads to easy reading. It is tempting to suspect that the author found writing the book to some degree cathartic, never the less one is left knowing that Sophecles Papas did make a difference in an art form the we hold dear.

Publisher: Columbia Music Co. ISBN 0-9658954-0-8

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