BM_FUNCTIONS.DOC December 1, 1996


bmp2pic.exe - convert bitmap file series into Bio-rad image format file.
bmp2raw.exe - convert bitmap image files into raw binary image files.
bmbilinear.exe - magnify bitmap image files using bilinear interpolation method.
bmconten.exe - perform contrast enhancement on bitmaps image file series.
bmcrop.exe - crop x-y dimension of bitmap image file series.
bmdefade.exe - restore brightness in bitmap image series due to photo-bleaching.
bmdelta.exe - fine diffirence between consequtive files of bitmap image series.
bmenhc.exe - perform local contrast enhancement on a bitmap image series.
bmhist.exe - return pixel intensity histogram.
bmovrlay.exe - combines 8 bit image files into red & green 24 bit bitmap series.
bmmerge.exe - reduces number of images in bitmap series by merging adjacent images.
bmpaste.exe - place bitmap images side by side.
bmpmer.exe - same as bmmerge.
bmpsum.exe - add images of bitmap file series together. Collapse images in z-axis.
bmsum.exe - same as bmpsum.exe.
bmpxlat.exe - transform lookup table using look up table.
bmxlat.exe - same as bmpxlat.
pic2bmp.exe - convert Bio-rad pic file into a bitmap image files.
raw2bmp.exe - convert binary image file into bitmap image file.
avg.bat - find average pixel intensity in one or more bitmaps
stat.bat - find mean, std dev. and number of pixels in one or more bitmap files.


bmfunction input.bmp [ -? ] [ -o output.bmp | -p path ] [ -l ] [ -s ] [ -v ]

Where: input.bmp is the name(s) of a series of one or more bitmap file names to be processed. Dos style wild cards (* or ?) are permitted. Generally input.bmp refers to a series of 8 bit grayscale bitmap files.

-o output specifies file name stem of output bitmap sequence.

-p path specifies path where output file series is to be placed. ‘path’ must already exist. Files created in path generally have the same name as the input file series or have the stem result*.bmp.

-s list statistics about each image of input series. Gives mean and standard deviation (n-1 weighting).

-l list input file series found without performing function. Useful way of testing which files will be processed.

-v verbose switch. Extra information is displayed while files are being processed. Good way of checking progress if there are problems.

-? displays a terse command line help message.

Other flags exists in some functions. Some examples are
-d x_size y_size x_offset y_offset
-k gain_factor


bmfunction are a group of command line programs which are used from a 32 bit DOS Box (a DOS Box under Windows95 or WindowsNT). They operate on single bitmaps or a series of bitmaps in the current working directory. These programs are intended to help process bitmap imagess that are part of a z-series stack or a time lapse series. The images in a series should be 8 bit gray scale with identicle dimensions unless noted otherwise. .


bmdefade rhod??.bmp -s : displays statistics for bitmap file series that is matched by rhod??.bmp (eg. Rhod00.bmp Rhod01.bmp …). No output files are generated.

bmconten rhod??.bmp -p fixedfolder  cgntr`sxhH†DŽ('É‚Cæs!þé Ÿœ ¿Ÿthe directory ‘fixedfolder’.

bmsum rhod00.bmp rhod01.bmp rhod04.bmp rhod03.bmp -n -o result.bmp: adds rhod??.bmp files into one file called result.bmp and -n switch maximizes intensity dynamic range.


pic2bmp.exe : converts biorad pic file into bitmap series.

Confocal Assistant (imaging folder): Batch Conversion converts biorad pic file into bitmap series.


Most of these programs only works with 8 bit gray scale bitmap files. Input file extension in the command line must include the .BMP extension.

Long file names are handled. However on systems limited to short (8dot3, eg. 12345678.bmp) file names conversion from long to short names usually scrambles the number sequence of the bitmap series. A solution is to use names of 6 characters or less before the dot.

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